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1. Micromachining Technique for Bandwidth Enhancement of Rectangular Patch Microstrip Array Antenna N. Seromo 1-6
2. Nutrients to close Tropical Lagun for Primary Production Osman, C 7-12
3. Effect of Tonga River for Fish diversity, Karnataka V. Barkka 13-18
4. Management Services for Comparative Assessment of the Municipal Solid Waste Latifah Wan Azmin 18-29
5. Application of ants clustering algorithm Khartoum stock Market to Principal Component Method Alis Suslan 30-34

Application effects of nitrogen rates and seed biopriming with PGPR on yield, yield attribute and nitrogen use efficiency of  corn (Zea maize L.) hybrids

M.Sam 35-40
7. Comparison of the content and organizational structure on organizational citizenship behavior of staff in
Higher Education
8. Review the status of implementation of ISO 9001 quality management system in product and service
M.Roshani 49-57
9. Technical evaluation of forest road construction degree2 with Hydraulic Excavator–Bulldozer machines k.Hosseinpoor Asly 58-66



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